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Leon County Schools is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for all students, staff, and visitors. The district has a comprehensive safety and security plan that is reviewed and updated annually. The plan includes a variety of measures to prevent, respond to, and recover from emergencies, including natural disasters, active shooter situations, and other threats.

The district’s safety and security team works closely with local law enforcement and emergency management agencies to ensure that the district is prepared for any type of emergency. The team also provides training for staff and students on how to respond to emergencies.

In addition to the district’s safety and security plan, each school in Leon County has its own safety and security plan that is specific to the school’s unique needs and circumstances. These plans are developed with input from school staff, parents, and students.

Safety and Security Leon County Schools

Leon County Schools is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for all students, staff, and visitors.

  • Comprehensive Safety Plan
  • Collaboration with Law Enforcement

The district’s safety and security team works closely with local law enforcement and emergency management agencies to ensure that the district is prepared for any type of emergency. The team also provides training for staff and students on how to respond to emergencies.

Comprehensive Safety Plan

Leon County Schools has a comprehensive safety and security plan that is reviewed and updated annually. The plan includes a variety of measures to prevent, respond to, and recover from emergencies, including natural disasters, active shooter situations, and other threats.

The plan is based on a risk assessment that identifies potential threats to the district. The assessment is conducted by a team of safety and security experts, including law enforcement officers, emergency management officials, and school administrators.

The plan includes a variety of measures to prevent emergencies, such as:

  • Access control: All schools in the district have secure entrances that require visitors to be buzzed in.
  • Security cameras: Schools are equipped with security cameras that are monitored by school staff and law enforcement.
  • Emergency drills: Students and staff participate in regular emergency drills so that they know what to do in the event of an emergency.

The plan also includes procedures for responding to emergencies, such as:

  • Active shooter situations: The district has a comprehensive active shooter response plan that is based on best practices from law enforcement and emergency management agencies.
  • Natural disasters: The district has a plan in place to respond to natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes. The plan includes procedures for evacuating schools, providing shelter for students and staff, and distributing food and water.

The district’s safety and security plan is designed to protect students, staff, and visitors from a variety of threats. The plan is reviewed and updated annually to ensure that it is effective and up-to-date.

Collaboration with Law Enforcement

Leon County Schools works closely with local law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety and security of students, staff, and visitors. The district has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Leon County Sheriff’s Office that outlines the roles and responsibilities of each agency in responding to emergencies and other safety concerns.

The MOU includes the following provisions:

  • School Resource Officers (SROs): The Leon County Sheriff’s Office provides SROs to all middle and high schools in the district. SROs are sworn law enforcement officers who are assigned to work in schools full-time. They are responsible for enforcing the law, investigating crimes, and providing security for students and staff.
  • Joint training and exercises: The district and the Leon County Sheriff’s Office conduct joint training and exercises to ensure that law enforcement and school personnel are prepared to respond to emergencies. These exercises include active shooter drills, lockdown drills, and emergency evacuation drills.
  • Information sharing: The district and the Leon County Sheriff’s Office share information about potential threats to schools. This information is used to develop safety plans and to prevent emergencies from occurring.

The collaboration between Leon County Schools and the Leon County Sheriff’s Office is essential to ensuring the safety and security of the district’s schools. By working together, the two agencies can prevent emergencies from occurring, respond quickly and effectively to emergencies, and provide a safe and secure learning environment for students and staff.

In addition to the Leon County Sheriff’s Office, the district also works closely with other law enforcement agencies, such as the Tallahassee Police Department and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. These agencies provide support to the district in a variety of ways, such as providing training, conducting investigations, and assisting with emergency response.


This FAQ section provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about safety and security in Leon County Schools.

Question 1: What is the district’s safety and security plan?
Answer 1: The district has a comprehensive safety and security plan that is reviewed and updated annually. The plan includes a variety of measures to prevent, respond to, and recover from emergencies, including natural disasters, active shooter situations, and other threats.

Question 2: How does the district work with law enforcement?
Answer 2: The district works closely with local law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety and security of students, staff, and visitors. The district has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Leon County Sheriff’s Office that outlines the roles and responsibilities of each agency in responding to emergencies and other safety concerns.

Question 3: What are School Resource Officers (SROs)?
Answer 3: SROs are sworn law enforcement officers who are assigned to work in schools full-time. They are responsible for enforcing the law, investigating crimes, and providing security for students and staff.

Question 4: What kind of emergency drills does the district conduct?
Answer 4: The district conducts a variety of emergency drills, including active shooter drills, lockdown drills, and emergency evacuation drills. These drills are conducted regularly so that students and staff know what to do in the event of an emergency.

Question 5: How does the district share information about potential threats to schools?
Answer 5: The district and the Leon County Sheriff’s Office share information about potential threats to schools. This information is used to develop safety plans and to prevent emergencies from occurring.

Question 6: What can parents do to help keep their children safe at school?
Answer 6: Parents can help keep their children safe at school by talking to them about school safety, encouraging them to report any suspicious activity to a trusted adult, and making sure that they know what to do in the event of an emergency.

Question 7: Who should I contact if I have a question about school safety?
Answer 7: If you have a question about school safety, you can contact your child’s school or the district’s safety and security office.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

These are just a few of the most frequently asked questions about safety and security in Leon County Schools. For more information, please visit the district’s website or contact your child’s school.

In addition to the information in this FAQ, there are a number of things that parents and students can do to help keep schools safe. These tips are provided in the following section.


In addition to the information provided in the FAQ section, there are a number of things that parents and students can do to help keep schools safe. These tips are provided below:

Tip 1: Talk to your children about school safety.

Talk to your children about the importance of school safety and encourage them to report any suspicious activity to a trusted adult. Make sure that they know what to do in the event of an emergency, such as an active shooter situation or a natural disaster.

Tip 2: Encourage your children to be aware of their surroundings.

Encourage your children to be aware of their surroundings and to report any suspicious activity to a trusted adult. This includes paying attention to people who are acting strangely or who are in places where they don’t belong.

Tip 3: Make sure your children know their school’s emergency procedures.

Make sure that your children know their school’s emergency procedures, such as the lockdown procedure and the evacuation procedure. Practice these procedures with your children at home so that they know what to do in the event of an emergency.

Tip 4: Get involved in your child’s school.

Get involved in your child’s school by volunteering, attending school events, and communicating with your child’s teachers and administrators. This will help you to stay informed about school safety issues and to be a part of the solution.

Closing Paragraph for Tips

By following these tips, you can help to keep your children safe at school. Remember, school safety is a shared responsibility between parents, students, and school staff.

In addition to the tips provided in this section, there are a number of resources available to help parents and students stay safe at school. These resources are provided in the following section.


Leon County Schools is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for all students, staff, and visitors. The district has a comprehensive safety and security plan that is reviewed and updated annually. The plan includes a variety of measures to prevent, respond to, and recover from emergencies, including natural disasters, active shooter situations, and other threats.

The district also works closely with local law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety and security of schools. The district has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Leon County Sheriff’s Office that outlines the roles and responsibilities of each agency in responding to emergencies and other safety concerns.

In addition to the district’s safety and security plan and its collaboration with law enforcement, there are a number of things that parents and students can do to help keep schools safe. These include talking to children about school safety, encouraging them to be aware of their surroundings, making sure they know their school’s emergency procedures, and getting involved in their child’s school.

Closing Message

School safety is a shared responsibility between parents, students, and school staff. By working together, we can create a safe and secure learning environment for all.

Safety and Security Leon County Schools